If you’re new to sensory play, here are my tips for sensory play success…
•Set boundaries - let your child know the rules for their sensory kit. Ours are try to keep the rice/chickpeas contained as much as possible and to not mix one bin with another.
•Have low expectations - the first few times will get messy but it will get better if you continue to keep the rules clear. Put a sheet under your play area for easier clean up or move outside on nice days.
•Don’t fuss over the mess - it’s easy to clean up! I know it makes me crazy sometimes but cleaning up is a great skill they’re learning. Also, learning to follow directions too.
AND most importantly
•Let your child have fun and explore! Let them dig, scoop, pour and use their imagination.
Teach proper use for sensory play and it will become a great tool in your home. We use ours when cooking meals, cleaning up, as independent activities, one-on-one time together and the list goes on.